Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is my MONTH

it's now mid april, then i was just looking forward to this month to add a year older to myself but now it will be different. aside from my birthday i'll be looking forward to this month to celebrate the day we tie the knot, the bind we both bid to God the day after my birthday. it was quite unusual to have the date of our wedding set next day after an important day in once life, well at least that would not saves me from forgetting it but do keep me from remembering it always.

times running quick i never imagine it has been one year after we wed. well after the wedding it has been a speed turn around of events and time. i had my new and challenging job the same time our baby came out. new responsibilities, new futures, new plans and a lot of new stuff to look forward to. i was just too thankful though, from this fast turn around of time i am standing tall and ready for everything. never to be afraid cause i know He's all up there.

what i should be looking forward is another year of sweet memories and blessings form Above. sweet life, health for me and my family, abundance, peaceful relationship and God centered family, well i think that covers all with my last wish. definitely.

well happy birthday to me and happy anniversary as well! see my self and my wifey in baguio!

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